Francesca Re

Assistant professor of Biochemistry and Nanomedicine at University of Milano-Bicocca from y 2019. Co-director of the course of "Precision Nanomedicine" of the International School of Nanomedicine, E.Majorana Center, Erice 2019. Co-organizer of the Conference “Recent Advances in Nanomedicine: Opportunities and Challenges" NanoMib, Nanomedicine Center Milano-Bicocca, Milano 2024. He is author of more than 75 articles, published in the main international and national journals (H-index 28) . She is Referee for several  scientific journals. She is inventor of three families of Patents and founder (2015) of a Spin-off Company (AmypoPharma) of the University of Milano-Bicocca, whose mission is to bring nanoparticles for therapy of Amyloidosis to the clinical phase. She is part of the editorial board of the Nanobiotechnology section of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology; of the Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Research and of Annals of Neurodegenerative Disorders. She is coordinator of different international and nation founded projects. She won the Lindau Nobel Laureate in chemistry in 2014. She won Jorge Heller Outstanding Paper Award in 2017.